Activity 2025‑02‑24
Winter 2024 USADescription
Errands Walking 6kmMy car is broken down, so Uber, buses, and walking are my only means of transportation—unless someone gives me a ride:)
Early morning wake-up for a meeting, followed by another meeting. Then, I finally took an Uber to Banner Health Center for a blood test. However, the wait was long, and I had a bank appointment at 10 AM, so I walked to Wells Fargo. After the appointment, I returned to Banner, where the line was much shorter, and the blood test was done quickly.From there, I walked to Desert Ridge for some shopping. Charlie called and offered to pick me up, so he drove me home. We went over my backyard to discuss what needs to be done, and then he dropped me off at Dunkin’ Donuts, where I could get coffee and do some work.
Winter 2024 USADescription
The Last TrainingI did not feel like working out after so much walking, but since I passed by, I wanted to say goodbye to the gym owner and decided to keep the workout to a maximum of one hour.
I did a slow bike session on level 20, basic planks, three sets of 5 arm exercises (each different), three sets for hamstrings, and a 1min hang.
Before heading to Dunkin’, I stopped at Leslie’s for another water test. It was 100 percent again, yay! From Dunkin’, I took the bus to Chase, canceled my savings account, and then walked home at a relaxed pace.I stopped at Albertsons to buy bananas and lemons, then visited Anytime Fitness for a short workout. From there, I walked home, called Martin on the way, and wrapped up a day full of errands.