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Activity 2025‑02‑08






Cupid's Chase 5K Race
(5 kilometers run)

Rank: 2nd (overall)
Pace: 4:21/km

Back in the Kiwanis Park again. The last time I was here was on 2024-07-20.


I arrived at Kiwanis Park thinking I knew where the race was, but after following runners to a check-in tent, I was asked if I had "survived suicide"—turns out, I was at a **support event for suicide survivors, not a race**. I quickly ran to another spot where I thought the start might be, only to find kids playing soccer and no race in sight. With just 15 minutes to go, I had no idea where to go.

I sprinted back to the parking lot, found runners with bibs, and asked for directions—only to hear that **they were also lost, looking for the start**. Eventually, someone found an aid station that pointed us to the actual start, on the other side of the lake. While others ran to their cars, I took off on foot at full speed, arriving just as the countdown hit zero.

Despite the chaos, I ran a solid race, staying behind a fast kid who unknowingly guided me through the poorly marked course. I pushed hard to finish strong, and at the finish line, people were cheering louder than expected. Turns out, I had unknowingly placed **2nd overall**! Initially marked as *DQF* due to late starters, the organizers manually fixed my time, confirming my podium spot in what was easily the most ridiculous race I have ever had. I will consider to write a blog about this:)