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Activity 2022‑02‑08






Shockers at Dental Brothers
lost 11:15, me 7 goals


We had only one sub and that was perfect. We started really well: I scored our first 3 goals and we were winning 3:0 or 3:1. Also, we were winning most of the game, but unfortunately, we had again retarded youngsters playing with us. If I would play like that when I was their age, I would be ashamed af. In their age between 20-25, they were running and moving like if they were 45. I was running the most from the whole team and that says a lot. Especially one youngster was dribbling each ball he got and he lost like 25 balls in one game! He said, "sorry my bad" 15-times. The final drop was in the second half when we were losing by one goal and we made a quick breakaway. We went two on one, I literally sprinted 50 meters, and instead of passing me, he decided to dribble the ball:) At that point, I knew we are not going to win this game, so I decided to play on my own and just took it as a running workout. I had a couple of good chances and I scored two more goals, each after my individual run.