Activity 2022‑10‑26
Winter 2022 USADescription
Initial Home Workout- based on 2022-03-24
- duration around 1 hr
- barbells used: 4x 7.5lbs each
- stripes used: red for arms, black+yellow for glute
- for Tabata lighter barbell used
- no vest
WARMUP:50x jumping jacks
50x high knees
extended planks
6 SERIES (hands/legs):
25x pushups
25x squats
25x triceps dips
2 min wall-sit
4x biceps curl, left/right, standing/kneeing (standing: 10reps, kneeing: up to 8)
2x 25x lunges
3x 50x arms with bands (front, top, back)
4x 2x 20x glute with bands (standard glute exercise)
25x push-ups (high legs)
160x rope jumps (outside, but the living room is a good option too)
4x arms with barbells (same as biceps curl)
50x calves
Tabata 4 min